
Our story

It’s our goal to reduce waste. It is still common practice for companies to destroy returned items and overstock. Why? Mostly because they don’t know there is a great alternative. We are here to help companies to give their returns and overstock a second life. By doing so, we contribute to a circular economy and the reduction of co2 emission. One item at a time.

We strongly believe that every product has value, as long as you can find a matching buyer for it. A next-to-new smartphone may be bought as a gift for a spouse. A broken washing machine may be bought by someone for its parts.

We handle and sort these valuable products and resell them to their happy new owners, for the best possible price. And in order to help our partners and customers in the best possible manner, we proudly developed our own software and algorithms along the way.

Yes, we’re quite passionate about our mission to reduce waste. Not only do we put our partners’ and customers’ interests first, we also truly believe that Zero-Waste e-commerce and sustainability are the future.

We put a smile in return.

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The BuyBay Story

  • Sustainability Roots: A Farm-Grown Vision 

    On a peaceful Dutch farm, the Bosgoed brothers learned life's essential lesson: maximize the use of every product. Raised by a mother who taught them to have respect for nature and the worth of all they owned, they absorbed the essence of sustainability and community. On the farm, they learnt the importance of teamwork, caring for their environment, and valuing everyone’s contribution.

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  • E-Commerce Revelation: A Clash of Beliefs

    Stepping into the city for business studies, the brothers quickly joined a rapidly expanding e-commerce company. There, they faced a harsh reality: an industry flooded with excess stock and returns, disregarding the value of products and unconcerned about the environmental consequences. Witnessing products being dumped in landfills, the brothers encountered a clash of their beliefs.

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  • The Birth of BuyBay: Vision Turns into Action

    Remembering their mother's advice to "maximize the use of every product," they established BuyBay in 2014, aiming to challenge the norm with a sustainable yet profitable solution. They started to carefully check each product and find it a new home, making sure nothing useful goes to waste. Right from the start, they developed a recommerce software that would help businesses to sustainably and profitably resell their excess stock and returned items.

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  • Building a Community: Shared Values, Collective Efforts

    As BuyBay grew, it attracted like-minded individuals and partners, forming a community dedicated to transform returns and overstock to a more sustainable future. By 2017, we expanded its businesses to give more products a second life by opening a large grading center near Nijmegen. The growth continued in 2020 with the launch of an office in Cologne, Germany, expanding our influence and outreach. Everyone involved was in it for the same reasons: making business kinder to the planet, finding smart ways to (re)use products, and sticking together through the many operational, financial and environmental challenges that arise from returns and overstock.

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  • BuyBay Today: A Leader in Recommerce and Future Vision

    Our mission is to extend product lifespans and reduce environmental impact, driving the circular economy forward. With a passionate team of over 150 employees and 100 partners, we’ve given more than 2.5 million products a second chance. It’s our vision to become the leading recommerce service provider in Europe by 2035, extending the lifespan of 10,000 products daily. Guided by our values of sustainability, innovation, and community, we partner with industry leaders in reverse logistics to advance the circular economy. Through nurturing these partnerships, we aim to be the go-to solution for all recommerce needs.

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Our mission is aligned with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals

Working at BuyBay

Join us in helping to combat waste in e-commerce. Are you ready to jump on board of our team?

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We like to get to know you. Do you have a question for us? Feel free to ask. Need advice? We’re happy to help.